power line in chinaThere are different kinds of websites or institutes from in China or other countries,, always like to give a rank of whose are the top manufacturers of composite insulators in China. But they always rank the manufacturers by votes of cyber citizens. That is not correct or accurate. 

When talking about the top manufacturers, it also related to key factors of manufacturing capacity, marketing share, and others. Also the ranking may change during different years, so it is hard to tell who is the top one manufacturer of composite insulators. 

The State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), commonly known as the State Grid, is a Chinese state-owned electric utility corporation. It is the largest utility company in the world, and as of 2020, the world's fourth largest company overall by revenue.In 2016/17 it was reported as having 927,839 employees, 1.1 billion customers and revenue equivalent to US$363.125 billion.  And SGCC is also the biggest buyer of composite insulators. So when talking about the biggest suppliers, SGCC must be involved. 

Comparing of purchsing data of composite insulators from Jan, 2021 to June, 2021, the following company in China are ranked top manufacuturer:

Awarded Value of Composite Insulators from Jan to June, 2021
Rank Manufacturer Awarded Value (CNY: Yuan) Market Share
1 Xianyang Guowang Composite Insulators Co., Ltd. 103,000,000.00 28%
2 CYG Insulator Co., Ltd. 92,000,000.00 25%
3 Jiangsu Shemar Electric Co., Ltd. 86,000,000.00 17%
4 Wuhan Line Power Transmission Equipment Co., Ltd. 35,000,000.00 10%
5 Yangzhou Shuangbao 35,000,000.00 10%
6 Zibo Taiguang 30,000,000.00 8%